Massively underscored': Gazette readers back Chris Ramsey after Strictly Come Dancing debut

Chris RamseyChris Ramsey
Chris Ramsey
Shields Gazette readers have backed Chris Ramsey after the comedian made his debut on Strictly Come Dancing.

The dad-of-one, who says he hates dancing in front of an audience, took to the Strictly ballroom to perform the Cha Cha Cha with professional dancer partner Karen Hauer to Lizzo’s Juice.

Bruno Tonioli said: “I could see the determination, the good intention, the effort… total lack of timing and rhythm. He was in Hong Kong time, I have no idea.

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Chris RamseyChris Ramsey
Chris Ramsey

“Adding to that a severe case of hip action bypass. Listen it’s very important, dancing is like comedy – timing is everything – work on that.”

Craig Revel Horwood added: “I thought it was very awkward if I’m to be honest, very flat footed. Your free arm leaves a lot to be desired I’m afraid you need to do something with it not just throw it anywhere you like. There’s absolutely no hip action in sight which made it all look very stompy. But there is a saving grace, my darling, I believe there is deep down inside there, we’ve not seen it yet, but you do have some rhythm.”

Motsi Mabuse said: “You had fun with that. Your face is so expressive – if we could have some of that in the body. Your face was brilliant, you made the dance fun, you had the cheeky part of the Cha Cha Cha, just your body was a bit on holiday – but we’ll get there.”

Shirley Ballas said the partnership has chemistry and added that: “With hard work anything is possible. You’ve got the right physique, you've got the right look, you’ve got an amazing partner. Keep working hard I think we’re going to see some great things from you.”

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Chris and Karen received a score of just 13 having received threes from all of the judges bar Motsi who awarded the pair a four.

But Gazette readers thought that was unfair.

Writing on our Facebook page, Alix Nicholson said: “He was great for the first week, massively underscored in my opinion!”

Olivia Kate Brown added: “He done really well! Especially for a first week too.”

Hazel Pritchard posted: “I thought he done good on his first week. I just think he needs a new stylist as the outfit he had on was awful.”

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Agnes George said: “There's been some fantastic scores for the first week.”

Kelly Chandler said: “Loved it & loved how proud Rosie looked!”

And Lianne Douglas wrote: “A good start!”

Grace Birtwistle agreed, saying: “Well done Chris you did really well.”

And Liz McCulloch Stanton posted: “Thought the judges were a bit harsh they got more generous as the night went on. Must make sure we vote next week.”

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Caren Smith added: “He did well for 1st week,deserved better scores.”

And Allison Pritchard wrote: “Think he done fab but pants were awful!!!”

Alison Thompson said: “Think his score suffered with being one of the first on. Well done Chris!”

And June Hind posted: “Scores far too low, how did David James score higher??”

Lesley Ball added: “I thought he did well too.”

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Michele Howard wrote: “Didn’t deserve that poor score, he did really well.”

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