Brendan Rodgers reveals whether Jamie Vardy will face Newcastle United

Jamie Vardy.Jamie Vardy.
Jamie Vardy.
Jamie Vardy will return for Leicester City at St James’s Park.

The striker missed the weekend’s 2-1 win over West Ham United for the birth of his daughter. However, Leicester manager Brendan Rodgers has confirmed that Vardy will face Newcastle United on New Year’s Day.

Rodgers said: “He had the good news on Saturday and, to be fair to him, he delayed this as long as he possibly could! But his wife went into hospital on Friday and gave birth on Saturday morning.

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"It's brilliant for both of them. He wouldn't have played on Saturday anyway, he'd have been on the bench, but we let him stay at home to look after his wife and kids, and he'll be back for Newcastle."

Ricardo Pereira will also return at St James’s Park after missing the West Ham game with a hamstring problem. Leicester are second in the Premier League.