Fun for the family at field days in Wood Terrace

Wood Terrace Field Day in 1983. Bill Dodds on typwriter, Theresa Moor with kitchen sink and George Stanners on slimming machine.Wood Terrace Field Day in 1983. Bill Dodds on typwriter, Theresa Moor with kitchen sink and George Stanners on slimming machine.
Wood Terrace Field Day in 1983. Bill Dodds on typwriter, Theresa Moor with kitchen sink and George Stanners on slimming machine.
The weather is turning warmer and summer is just around the corner.

With that in mind, we have taken a trip down memory lane to find some pictures of time spent outdoors with the family. Do you remember heading along to a field day at Wood Terrace? Flick through our photographs and see if you can spot any familiar faces taking part in the activities.