Yob kicked off car wing mirror after being called an '˜inbred'

South Tyneside Magistrates CourtSouth Tyneside Magistrates Court
South Tyneside Magistrates Court
A yob ripped a wing mirror from a car after he and his friends were called '˜inbreds'.

Lee Snowball was with a group in Lord Nelson Street, South Shields, when residents became annoyed at their behaviour, South Northumbria Magistrates’ Court heard.

“It’s a fairly straightforward offence,” said Paul Anderson, prosecuting. “Snowball kicked a door mirror from a parked Renault car.

“The mirror glass smashed as the mirror fell to the ground.

Police were called and spoke to Snowball.

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“He admitted smashing the mirror, and told officers he had become annoyed after someone called his group inbreds.

“The mirror cost the owner of the car £80 to replace.”

Snowball, 23, admitted criminal damage on July 26.

At an earlier hearing, District Judge Roger Elsey deferred sentence for six months to see if Snowball could behave himself.

Catherine Fowle, defending, said: “Since the sentence was deferred he has cooperated well with the probation service, attending all appointments given to him.

“There has been another offence, he was convicted of being drunk and disorderly in Hexham over the Christmas period and fined for that.

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“I would invite this court to regard that as a blip in his rehabilitation process.”

Miss Fowle said Snowball has mental health difficulties.

“He is addressing those,” she added. “He has had problems with taking non-prescribed medication, but tells me he has not done that for eight weeks.

“Mr Snowball is also getting assistance with his alcohol abuse

“Mr Snowball’s record is not a bad done, he only started to come to the attention of the courts last year.

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“His mother tells me he has saved some money from his benefits, which means the compensation for the mirror can be paid within 14 days.”

Snowball was sentenced to a conditional discharge of 12 months, and he was ordered to pay £80 compensation.

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