Work starts on new South Tyneside sheltered homes plan

Coun Tracey Dixon, Coun Allan West, Coun Joyce Welsh and Coun Peter Boyack at the siteCoun Tracey Dixon, Coun Allan West, Coun Joyce Welsh and Coun Peter Boyack at the site
Coun Tracey Dixon, Coun Allan West, Coun Joyce Welsh and Coun Peter Boyack at the site
A sheltered housing complex in South Tyneside is being demolished to make way for modern, housing for older people

The Croftside Housing Plus complex in Whitburn - along with Martin Hall and Nolan Hall in Jarrow - are being demolished by South Tynesde Council after being deemed too costly to renovate.

In its place, more than 30 apartments in a supported complex will be built by contractor Owen Pugh for independent housing company South Tyneside Housing Ventures Trust.

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Coun Allan West, lead member for housing and transport at South Tyneside Council, said: “Providing suitable, quality accommodation for older people is a key priority for the council and these outdated bedsits were no longer fit for purpose.

“They were built five decades ago and would have needed millions of pounds to bring them up to modern standards and we need to build the homes people need and want.

“The site is being cleared to make way for an exemplary housing development that will help meet that need.”

The last tenants moved out of Croftside last summer, with most choosing to remain in Whitburn.

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Coun Tracey Dixon said: “This is a real milestone. We promised residents that following the closure of Croftside there would be a new development in its place.”

South Tyneside Housing Ventures Trust was awarded over £1m last month by the Homes and Communities Agency, and is now finalising detailed design of the new scheme before submitting a planning application.

The Trust was established in partnership with the Council and South Tyneside Homes to take the lead on building new homes in the borough.