Wheelchair-bound mum left scared after latest attack on Jarrow home

Catherine Mitchell, of Jarrow, with the pallet she had hurled at her window and car. Picture: TOM BANKSCatherine Mitchell, of Jarrow, with the pallet she had hurled at her window and car. Picture: TOM BANKS
Catherine Mitchell, of Jarrow, with the pallet she had hurled at her window and car. Picture: TOM BANKS
A wheelchair bound mum says she has been left scared in her own home after the latest attack on her property.

Catherine Mitchell, who has Fibromyalgia and other health conditions, says she has endured years of damage being done to her car and property.

However, this latest attack has left her fearful.

The 67-year-old had been at home speaking with her niece in Scotland via videophone when she was alerted to the sound of what she claims to be someone kicking her door in.

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But by the time she was able to make it to her window the person had fled.

Instead she found a wooden pallet had been thrown against her window leaving it damaged.

A lump of wood with nails had also been placed near to a tyre on a car parked on her drive.

Mrs Mitchell, who has lived in her property for the past 13 years, said: “This kind of thing has been going on for a number of years now.

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“I’ve had scratches and dents put in my car and dead rats left in the garden.

“But this is the first time I have actually felt scared.

“My niece heard the banging too. But by the time I got off the sofa and into my chair to get to the window whoever it was, was gone. I’m surprised they didn’t smash the window.

“And now, because the pallet doesn’t belong to me they have told me I have to pay for it to be taken away.”

The attack on the property happened at 9.20pm on August 19.

Mrs Mitchell added: “It’s like whoever it is must like to pick on the weakest and most vulnerable.”

A Northumbria Police spokesman said they are looking into the matter.