What the weather will be like for the South Shields Christmas lights switch-on

Crowds gathering at a previous South Shields Christmas lights switch-onCrowds gathering at a previous South Shields Christmas lights switch-on
Crowds gathering at a previous South Shields Christmas lights switch-on
South Shields is set to get a festive glow this week as the Christmas lights are switched on - but you might want to wrap up warm and done some waterproofs if you're going to the big event.

The town has taken a pounding from heavy rain over the past few days, and sadly the weather isn't set to ease up for the South Shields Christmas lights switch-on which takes place on Thursday night.

Rain is forecast for most of the day, with an 80% chance of heavy rain expected while the switch-on events are taking place between 6pm and 7pm.

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The Met Office is predicting temperatures of around 7C for tonight, but the "feel like" temperature will be more like 5C because of the weather conditions.

The Met Office outlook for Friday to Sunday is for a cloudy few days with showers moving in from the North Sea at times. Temperature will recover "to near normal" for November, with overnight frost generally limited to higher ground.