South Tyneside is set for an overcast day with some rain

Expect a cloudy and overcast day.Expect a cloudy and overcast day.
Expect a cloudy and overcast day.
Any heavy rain is set to change to cloud and an overall overcast day.

Tuesday, October 15, is set for rain early in the day. Thankfully, this is expected to clear into cloud and maybe a small amount of sun, but the rain won’t stay away for long.

Some showers are possible during the afternoon and evening, with further rain later in the night.

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Expect a maximum temperature of 13 °C and a minimum temperature of 11 °C. You may want to get the scarves and hats out as the colder weather continues.

Here’s an hour-by-hour forecast showing what to expect from the day ahead.

6am: Light rain. 50% chance of rain.

7am: Light rain. 50% chance of rain.

8am: Cloudy. 11 °C

9am: Overcast. 11 °C

10am: Cloudy. 12 °C

11am: Overcast. 11 °C

12pm: Cloudy. 12 °C

1pm: Cloudy. 12 °C

2pm: Cloudy. 12 °C

3pm: Cloudy. 13 °C

4pm: Cloudy. 13 °C

5pm: Cloudy. 13 °C

6pm: Cloudy. 12 °C

7pm: Cloudy. 12 °C

8pm: Cloudy. 12 °C

9pm: Partly cloudy. 12 °C

10pm: Partly cloudy. 11 °C

11pm: Partly cloudy. 11 °C

There is good news for hay fever sufferers as pollen, pollution and UV levels will remain low.

More good news comes from the forecast. Rain is set to clear on Wednesday morning remaining mainly dry and often sunny. It will be a chilly Wednesday night though.

Thursday and Friday will also see sunny spells but some scattered showers are likely with sometimes blustery winds.

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