South Shields set to be hotter than Spain as Easter Sunday scorcher forecast for South Tyneside

South Tyneside folk have been enjoying some Easter Saturday sunshine today - and it's only set to get warmer.

Weather forecasters have been predicting the UK will see it's hottest day of the year so far over Easter, with temperatures of up to 27 degrees in some parts.

South Shields is forecast for solid sunshine from 6am to 8pm on Easter Sunday with temperatures of up to 22 degrees, according to the Met Office. There is also a high pollen count forecast, making it a bad day for hay fever sufferers.

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The forecast would see South Tyneside basking in warmer temperatures than much of Spain, where the likes of Marbella, Magaluf and Madrid are set to be up to seven degrees cooler than here. Only Seville is forecast to equal our temperature and reach 22 degrees.

The weather in South Tyneside is expected to cool off on Easter Monday, however, when the maximum temperature is forecast to be 15 degrees, though it will be mainly warm and sunny.