Unemployment rates continue to fall across South Tyneside

Job Centre PlusJob Centre Plus
Job Centre Plus
The number of people looking for work in South Tyneside is continuing to fall, according to statistics.

Latest figures show there were 4,160 people receiving out-of-work benefits last month, compared to 4,260 in May.

This was another drop following on from the previous month where the numbers also fell from 4,295 in April.

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Steve McCall, from Job Centre Plus in Sunderland, said: “We continue to see a good range of job opportunities across several sectors coming through.

“Many of these roles provide a great career opportunity for our jobseekers and we work closely with employers and training providers to ensure we help to prepare each individual for these opportunities.”

Jonathan Walker, head of policy and campaigns at North East Chamber of Commerce, said: “These figures show the regional labour market continues to move in the right direction.

“Compared to this time last year, significant numbers of people have found work and moved out of unemployment, which can only be a good thing for our region’s economic health.

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“We anticipated this improvement, as many firms tell us that they have been recruiting heavily in recent months and have further plans for expansion.

“Our most recent economic survey results back this up and suggest that positive trends could continue, as long as the right support is available for employers to invest in addressing skills gaps”

The Minister for Employment, Damian Hinds, said: “There’s great news in the North East where the number of people in work is at a new record high of 1.22 million.”