Top marks for South Shields care home

Staff and residents at Garden Hill celebrate their ratingStaff and residents at Garden Hill celebrate their rating
Staff and residents at Garden Hill celebrate their rating
A care home in South Tyneside is celebrating after being praised by health watchdogs.

Garden Hill Care Home, which provides around the clock residential and nursing care for up to 38 residents, received a clean bill of health after achieving ‘Good’ ratings across four key inspection areas, by industry regulators the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following a recent inspection.

The home, in St Michael’s Avenue, South Shields, achieved the high ratings in the areas of safety, caring, effectiveness and responsiveness. Leadership at the home was rated as ‘outstanding’.

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Under the CQC’s new programme of inspections, all adult social care services are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led and graded either Outstanding, Good, Requires improvement or Inadequate.

Among the comments from inspectors in the report were that: “People and relatives gave us positive views about the care provided in the service and felt staff were kind, considerate and caring.

Also commended were the home’s efforts to ensure relatives were consulted in the care of their loved ones.

It said: “Relatives said they felt involved in the care of their family member on a day to day basis and that the home kept them informed when anything happened.”

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The home has also been named among the top 20 in the North East region for the past three years in the Top 20 Awards.

Lindsay Donoghue-Flockhart, home manager of Garden Hill, said: “We have all worked extremely hard to meet all the criteria set out by the regulator.

“Everyone here is committed to providing the highest quality care for our residents so we were delighted with the findings of CQC and the feedback they received from residents and relatives.”

“That being said we are also always looking for ways to continue improving and the report will help us to develop our services going forward too.”