Thousands of new trees to be planted in South Tyneside

North Marine Park in South Shields.
South Tyneside Council has announced it will plant thousands of trees across the borough.North Marine Park in South Shields.
South Tyneside Council has announced it will plant thousands of trees across the borough.
North Marine Park in South Shields. South Tyneside Council has announced it will plant thousands of trees across the borough.
Thousands of new trees are to be planted in South Tyneside to give a boost to green spaces in the borough.

South Tyneside Council has announced plans ton plant 3,000 trees this winter to help enhance the borough’s tree population.

The trees – a mix of British natives – are being supplied by the council’s tree works contractor, Glendale.

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The council is responsible for more than one million trees across the borough’s parks and open spaces, woodlands, tree-lined streets and highways – that’s more than six trees per resident.

Councillor Nancy Maxwell, Lead Member for Area Management and Community Safety, said: “Trees contribute enormously to the beauty and quality of our open spaces as well as enrich the landscape of our towns.

“It is widely recognised trees have a wealth of benefits, from providing shade and shelter, absorbing pollutants from the atmosphere, acting as wind, noise and visual barriers and providing a valuable habitat for wildlife.

“We all look forward to the planting of these additional trees across South Tyneside which will help us to improve the borough’s green spaces while expanding our existing woodland areas.”

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South Tyneside Council has a team of specialist officers dedicated to all aspects in the management of trees.

This includes regularly assessing trees to make sure they are not damaged or threatened with disease and do not cause an unacceptable risk to people and property.

Officers will now work with ward councillors to look at potential planting sites within appropriate locations across the borough.

The council was one of the first local authorities locally to produce a comprehensive tree and woodland policy with tree protection and sustainability at its forefront.

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A fundamental aspect of the policy is to protect the tree population, with trees only ever removed as a last resort.

And for every one tree removed, the council aims to plant two.

When a tree is removed, the council’s tree team recycles all the timber by-products, with recycled wood chip or timber largely used as bio fuel or wood mulch.

Tree team officers also work with the local community, including school children, community groups and general members of the public in planting schemes.

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Coun Maxwell added: “Trees are highly valued by many people.

"They offer a multitude of physical, economic and psychological benefits and it’s important that they are well looked after.

“Our tree team and tree partners do a fabulous job in making sure the Borough’s trees are healthy and looking their best.

“If future generations are to enjoy the same benefits and beauty from the trees our generation has inherited, then it is essential that we continue our programme of planting trees to sustain and improve the stock.”