Teenager from South Shields to face terrorism charges at London court

The case will be heard at the Central Criminal Court in LondonThe case will be heard at the Central Criminal Court in London
The case will be heard at the Central Criminal Court in London
A man from South Shields is due in court on terrorism charges

Morgan Seales, 19, is one of two men due to appear before the Central Criminal Court in London tomorrow charged with offences under the Terrorism Act.

Seales, of Turner Avenue, South Shields, has been charged with seven offences under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act.

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He was arrested by officers from Counter Terrorism Policing North East and Northumbria Police on Wednesday, March 27.

Seales was charged and appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court on Monday, April 1.

The second man, Gabriele Longo, 26, of Burdock Close, Crawley, is charged with one offence under Section 1, three offences under Section 2 and four offences under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act.

Longo was arrested by counter terrorism officers from the North East and Sussex Police on Wednesday, April 3.

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He was charged and appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court on Tuesday, April 9.

Both men were remanded in custody.

The charges follow an investigation into suspected extreme right wing related online activity.