Tanya's tackling Great North Run for hospital that saved her goddaughter's life

Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.
Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.
A caring South Shields woman is taking on the Great North Run to thank the hospital unit that saved her goddaughter's life.

Tanya Luke wants to show her gratitude to the premature baby unit at South Tyneside District Hospital.

The 28-year-old, of Gillside Court, Simonside, will tackle the 13.1-mile course on Sunday.

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Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.
Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.

Her goddaughter Abigail Trotter was born at the hospital, in Harton Lane, just 34 weeks into mum Joanne’s pregnancy.

Tanya, who is married to Joanne’s sister Clare, said: “She was delivered by c-section and weighed just 3.5lbs. She was in hospital for six weeks until she reached full term and a healthy weight.

“She turned six on September 1 and everything is fine though. She’s dinky but she’s fine.

“I just want to thank the hospital because they saved her life and I’m so grateful that she’s here.”

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Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.
Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.

Tanya, who works at npower in Rainton Bridge, contacted the hospital to ask if she could take on the Great North Run on their behalf.

She said: “I did it three years ago for the first time. It was okay then but I’m a bit worried this time because I’ve had an injury and I’ve had to have physio.

“I started training in March and was injured in May and I managed to get up to 10 miles in August but then I pulled my hamstring last week.

“At least I know what to expect this time though and I know it’s going to be amazing on the day. The atmosphere is so good so I’m excited to do it again.”

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Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.
Tanya Luke is taking part in Sunday's Great North Run in aid of the South Tyneside District Hospital's Premature baby unit, to thank them for saving her goddaughter Abigail Trotter's life.

She added: “I’m really close to Abigail. Every time she comes round the house she gives me a big cuddle before she sees anyone else.

“I’m just so grateful to the hospital for saving her life.”

To sponsor Tanya, go to uk.virginmoneygiving.com and search for ‘Tanya Luke’.

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