South Tyneside students help homeless charity

South Tyneside College students who collected good for the homelessSouth Tyneside College students who collected good for the homeless
South Tyneside College students who collected good for the homeless
Criminology students at South Tyneside College have proved they are clued up on helping the homeless this Christmas.

The youngsters have been asking for donations of food and non-perishable items for the South Tyneside-based charity Hospitality and Hope.

Founded in 2002, Hospitality and Hope runs South Tyneside food and clothing bank and open access soup kitchens.

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Twenty-six students took part in the initiative – collecting dried pasta, tins, cereals, nappies, baby wipes, and toiletries.

Items were collected in a trolley in the foyer of the college’s Westoe campus in St George’s Avenue, South Shields, and can still be dropped in directly to appeal organiser and criminology lecturer Susan Johnson.

The students will also visit the charity’s headquarters in Hampden Street, South Shields, to pack the goods into hampers in preparation for being handed out.

Susan said: “This is the third successive Christmas that we have organised a collection, and it’s always been very well supported by students and the public. Last year we collected enough items to fill forty bags, and that is the target we are again aiming for.

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“Hospitality and Hope’s work is very important to supporting people in South Tyneside who don’t have a place to live.”

Maureen Gribben, volunteer coordinator at Hospitality and Hope, said: “To help in this way is a fantastic gesture by the college’s students.

“It is very much appreciated.”

Items can be delivered during college opening hours of 8am to 8pm, Monday to Thursday, and 8am to 4.30pm on Friday.