South Tyneside students get advice from band frontman

Maximo Park on stageMaximo Park on stage
Maximo Park on stage
The singer of hit North East band Maximo Park gave a musical masterclass to students in South Tyneside.

Paul Smith has revealed details of a memorable encounter with Sir Mick Jagger during a VIP event at South Tyneside College and revealed his

biggest remaining musical ambition is to perform with Sir Paul McCartney and Neil Young.

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During a Music and Media Masterclass, he spoke of how he met the Rolling Stones star backstage when the bands toured together – and shocked him with his all-white outfit.

He said: “I was wearing all white that night and Mick Jagger was surprised at my stage wear. He was dressed in a bright purple suit. It was just two frontmen commenting on what they were each wearing, but he’s Mick Jagger and I’m not.”

Paul, 38, added: “We’ve played with the Stones and we’ve played with The Who, so really it’s Paul McCartney is the last one, or Neil Young, somebody like that.”

The musician is the latest well-known arts figure to take part in a masterclass in the college’s Studio 5 live performance venue.

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Others passing on their expertise have included comedian Jason Cook, The Futureheads singer and guitarist Barry Hyde, and local Mercury Prize nominated band Field Music.

In other topics, he said he feared Brexit would impact badly on bands seeking to tour Europe – one of Maximo Park’s biggest markets – adding to costs and difficulties.

The vote Remainer said: “It’s going to condemn us to at least twenty years of uncertainty before things level out either for the better or for the worse.

“On a touring musicians level right now it’s bad. We’re going to have to pay some sort of tariff to go and perform in the EU and one of our biggest markets is Germany.

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“It will be interesting to see what happens I foresee difficulties, but I might be wrong.”

Paul urged the students present to broaden their horizons, adding: “Having an open mind and exposing yourself too as many things as possible allows you to find what you like and don’t like.”

His Media Masterclass can be viewed by visiting www.facebook/southtynesidecollege

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