South Tyneside performers invited to get help from former theatre director's fund

Theatre director Jackie FieldingTheatre director Jackie Fielding
Theatre director Jackie Fielding
Young performers are being invited to apply for help from a support fund which was founded in honour of a much-loved theatre director Jackie Fielding.

A The Jackie Fielding Fund aims to help young people pursue a career in the performing arts and applications are now open for 2018.

Jackie Fielding was an accomplished actress and a critically-acclaimed director, who was also known for her support, advocacy and development for emerging artists in the North East.

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Jackie died in 2015, Jackie during a production of her acclaimed play The Man and the Donkey at The Customs House, South Shields.

The fund was established with £4,000 raised by donations at her funeral and Jackie’s family and friends insisted the money went to support others to follow their talents.

Jackie studied drama at Manchester University before attending the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London.

She was only able to do this with the help of state funding - without which, her family would not have had the means to pay for.

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Jackie’s fund aims to contribute towards fees for training and continued development for actors, directors and musical theatre students.

The closing date for applications is July 15.

Applicants have to be 18 or over and the cash is paid direct to training provider and for tuition fees only.

It is available for full time courses and short courses and applicants live no more than 40 miles from South Shields

For further information, call Viktoria Kay on 07799134696 or email [email protected]

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A spokeswoman for the fund said: “It’s a fantastic opportunity for individuals looking to fund drama training.

“There’s a tremendous amount of talent in the North East region and we’re looking to help. It may have been three years since Jackie’s death but her influence still remains strong.”