South Shields youngster is inspiring others with her dream to dance

Hannah Rogers with dance teacher Melanie Moore.Hannah Rogers with dance teacher Melanie Moore.
Hannah Rogers with dance teacher Melanie Moore.
A young girl is refusing to let her disability stand in her way of her dream to dance.

Jenna Rogers never thought she would see the day her youngest daughter Hannah would be able to take to the dance floor and perform.

But that is exactly what the determined four-year-old is doing each week at Melanie Moore’s dance academy in South Shields - despite being born with Spina Bifida and a number of other medical contitions.

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Hannah Rogers with dance teacher Melanie Moore.Hannah Rogers with dance teacher Melanie Moore.
Hannah Rogers with dance teacher Melanie Moore.

Her mum Jenna was told at her 20-week scan that her baby would be born with the condition and have quality of life issues.

She was offered a termination but refused and now swells with pride as her daughter follows in the footsteps of older sister Sophie, nine.

As well as Spina Bifida, Hannah has Hydrocephalus and underwent surgery to insert a VP shunt in her head to help drain fluid from her brain, she has had foot surgery at four-months-old after being found to have Talipes and also has Chari Malformation Type 2 which affects a part of her brain.

Jenna, from the Lawe Top, South Shields, said: “When Sophie was practicing at home, Hannah would be beside her, copying her as she did her stretches.

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Hannah Rogers., who attends dance classes despite suffering a series of health problems.Hannah Rogers., who attends dance classes despite suffering a series of health problems.
Hannah Rogers., who attends dance classes despite suffering a series of health problems.

“She kept asking me if she could join the dancing, but I wasn’t sure due to the conditions she has.

“But Mel said she couldn’t see any reason why she couldn’t dance and she loves it. She has only been going for about a month, but she has grown in confidence so much in that time.”

Hannah, who is a pupil at Hadrian Primary School, has now progressed from private lessons to joining in with the other girls in dance classes.

While she is unable to take part in all elements of the sessions, she joins in with most.

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Hannah Rogers, front centre, with other members of the Melanie Moore Dance School and dance teachers Melanie, left, and Lisa Moore.Hannah Rogers, front centre, with other members of the Melanie Moore Dance School and dance teachers Melanie, left, and Lisa Moore.
Hannah Rogers, front centre, with other members of the Melanie Moore Dance School and dance teachers Melanie, left, and Lisa Moore.

Jenna added: “When the girls work on their stamina it is too much for her, so she watches. But she joins in with everything else.

“I find the whole thing so emotional. When she came out of her first private lesson, we were talking in the car and she was so excited. She said ‘mam I can’t stop smiling’.

“It’s those little things that mean so much that I really take to my heart.”

Dance teacher, Melanie Moore, said: “It’s incredible having Hannah join our team.

“She’s shown real determination and has given inspiration to so many around her.

“If the love and passion is there then anybody is able to dance no matter what their capabilities are.”

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