South Shields taxi Santa thanks customers for donations

Taxi driving Santa Darren Murphy will be driving his taxi to raise money for St Clare's Hospice.Taxi driving Santa Darren Murphy will be driving his taxi to raise money for St Clare's Hospice.
Taxi driving Santa Darren Murphy will be driving his taxi to raise money for St Clare's Hospice.
A South Tyneside taxi driver who dressed as Santa for charity in memory of his niece had said a heartfelt thank you to customers who donated to the cause.

Darren Murphy donned the famous red suit on December 19 to raise cash for The 4louis charity.

The good deed was carried out in memory of his neice Ebony Jade Mitchell, who died on December 3, aged just one day old.

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Following her death, her parents received a memory box from the 4louis charity, which has helped them to come to terms with their daughter’s premature death.

The 32-year-old, from Prince Consort Road, Jarrow, also paid a visit to people’s homes dressed as everyone’s favourite festive character to give youngsters a special treat.

On the day he helped raise £101 for the charity.

It is the second year Darren has dressed up as Santa for a shift.

Last year he raised cash for St Clare’s Hospice in memory of his dad Thomas.

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Mr Murphy, who works for Central Taxis based in Hudson Street, Tyne Dock, said: “Dressing up as Santa was in aid of the 4louis charity in memory of my niece Ebony.

“Her parents Donna and Stephen wanted to thank the charity for the memory box they received following her death. It has helped them and their children Cameron, Luke, Rebecca, Kaden, Jacob and Elliott to come to terms with the loss of Ebony.

“I’d just like to thank everyone who donated to the cause.”

The 4louis charity provides hospitals nationwide with memory boxes for families who lose their baby. It also helps provide cuddle cots so parents can spend valuable time with their baby.