South Shields MP slams ordering of UK missile strikes in Syria without debate in Parliament

South Shields MP Emma Lewell-BuckSouth Shields MP Emma Lewell-Buck
South Shields MP Emma Lewell-Buck
South Shields MP Emma Lewell-Buck has slammed missile strikes carried out by UK forces in Syria.

The USA, UK and France bombed Government targets in the stricken Middle Eastern nation in an early morning operation targeting alleged chemical weapons sites.

The strikes were in response to a suspected chemical attack on the Syrian town of Douma last week.

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The strikes have been met with a mixed reaction, with many attacking Prime Minister Theresa May for ordering the action without a debate in Parliament.

Ms Lewell-Buck was among those critical of Mrs May.

The South Shields MP tweeted this morning: "Theresa May had no right to launch these attacks without any cohesive or strategic plan to bring peace in Syria or stop the use of chemical weapons.

"In matters of such great importance and in the face of public opposition a parliamentary debate and vote was vital."