South Shields knifeman threatened to stab former partner

The case was heard at Newcastle Crown Court.The case was heard at Newcastle Crown Court.
The case was heard at Newcastle Crown Court.
An ex-boyfriend shouted stab threats to his former partner while kicking and banging doors and windows at the home where she worked.

Kevin Johnson turned up outside the residential home at Sydenham Terrace, South Shields, which houses adults with learning difficulties, and caused fear to those inside.The 47-year-old was arrested on Westoe Road, in the early hours of April 1 last year and police found two knives in his tracksuit bottoms.Prosecutor Peter Schofield told Newcastle Crown Court: "The defendant attended outside premises, was issuing threats, particular towards the complainant andwas also banging and kicking, in a frightening way, on the doors and windows of the establishment."The complainant and her colleague were concerned for the safety not just for themselves but also, in fact, the residents within the accommodation."This carried on for some time. It involved clear indications the defendant would stab, in particular, the complainant."The court heard Johnson's ex, who had been in a five-year relationship with him, was "afraid" by what had happened and "scared it would happen".She told police: "I could lose my job. I work with vulnerable people and my employers will not tolerate this kind of incident at work."The woman said she has been left "terrified" when he hears a noise and added: "I think it's him coming back to kill me."Her colleage told police she was "shaken and upset" and added: "I cannot believe he came to a home for people with learning difficulties and made these threats."Johnson, of East Moffatt Street, South Shields, admitted affray, harassment and possessing two knives.Mr Recorder Ben Nolan told him: "This was an appalling episode involving a very frightening experience for the complainant and her colleague at a place which ought to be a sanctuary for those who were living there and who, as a result of your behaviour, were no doubt themselves frightened."The judge sentenced Johnson to a community order for 18 months with rehabilitation requirements and a restraining order which bans him from going within 500 yards of the home.Jane Foley, defending, said Johnson has a long-standing issue with alcohol but there has been no further problems since the offences last year.Miss Foley added: "I would ask you to treat this as being a one-off situation."

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