South Shields firm starts work in search for dream jobs

Training delivery manager Justine Shepherd.Training delivery manager Justine Shepherd.
Training delivery manager Justine Shepherd.
Young people are being given a helping hand to discover their dream career.

Training firm Rising Star is hosting a series of sector- themed days in a bid to show those looking to take their first steps on to the career ladder what is out there.

Sport and leisure, IT, engineering, construction and health and social care will all be the focus of events held over four days.

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The first will take place on Tuesday at Rising Star’s office and training suite, based at Business Works, Henry Robson Way, South Shields.

Rising Star training delivery manager, Justine Shepherd, said: “This is a great chance to find out more about a sector a young person may be interested in.

“There will be the chance to tour the sites of local employers and ask the questions in an informal setting that usually would be asked in an interview situation. 

“We are holding these days over half term and they are open to young people who are still at school or college and those who have left and are looking for a bit of advice and support.

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“The days will be interesting, interactive, and attendees will get a short, sharp and realistic view of careers in their preferred sector.”

The days will include a number of interactive activities, employer site visits, videos and demonstrations from industry professionals.

Those taking part will also work very closely with their own personal careers advisor, who will help them create a Careers Action Plan and offer ongoing support throughout their journey to finding their dream career.

Ms Shepherd added: “It gives a young person the opportunity to decide if that sector is really for them before they make crucial decisions about their future.”

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Rising Star, is the sister company to Hebburn-based recruitment firm Zenith People. It was set up in 2014 and is a proactive youth recruitment agency focussed on helping young people find employment as well as offering free and impartial careers information, advice and guidance.

The Sport and Leisure Sector Day is on Tuesday, Business and IT on Wednesday, Engineering and Construction on Thursday, June 2, and Health and Social Care on Friday.

All sector days will run from 9.30am until 3pm.

To book a place on one of the Sector Days, contact the Rising Star team on 0191 427 4651. For information on the company, visit