Shopping at the new Green Street precinct

From  May 1962 is a picture of the New Green Street shopping centreFrom  May 1962 is a picture of the New Green Street shopping centre
From May 1962 is a picture of the New Green Street shopping centre
The recent articles and picture spreads have prompted so many of you to get in touch.

So here are some more of your letters and emails, covering a wide range of stories and subjects.

We start with a letter from June Muller, of Glenthorpe House, South Shields.

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June writes: “I remember New Green Street shops (as featured in Time Of Our Lives recently).

“My friend worked in Thompsons Stores, myself and my mam used to help Doris West who had fruit shops.

“There was a fresh fish shop called Mitchelsons, they also had a fish and chip shop next door. The lady was lovely, they called her Lily.

“There used to be china craft on the corner and a sweet shop called Cuthbert Stores, three nice sisters owned that.

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“I used to go in Tullys Machine Shop. There was a model shop call Guy, Mr Black, who owned it was a character. My man used to send me to Bullocks Bakery for a box of cream cakes, they called the tea lady who worked in there Nora.”

Meanwhile, Norman Elliott got in touch via email to shed light on one of our recent school meal pictures.

He said: “Re your article in the Gazette, I was a pupil at the Boys Grammar School.

“I think the boy in the middle of the line was called David Lawson, and the pupil behind him may be Graeme Young.”

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Meanwhile, Joe Robinson, is hoping readers can help solve a puzzle, prompted by a picture featured recently.

Joe writes: “Regarding your column in the Shields Gazette, on June 23, I was wondering if you have had any comments about the two men on what looks like a demolition job.

“My family are divided about the man with the beret, is he our father?

“I was only five years old when he died in 1966, and have lost the few photos of him that existed in a fire in the late 1980s, and we now only have one photo of him left.

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“His name was Edward Robinson, who was born in South Shields, in 1926, and as I said died in 1966. He worked as a steel erector and on demolition sites around the area.

“If anyone has any information about the photo I would appreciate it if you could let me know.”

So come on,please get in touch with me if you can help.

Regarding the series of articles in relation to the recent anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, a reader, who asked to remain anonymous, contacted me to make mention of a memorial in a South Tyneside church.

“If you are interested, after talking about the Battle of the Somme, there is an interesting object in St Hilda’s Church, in South Shields market place.

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“In the 1914/18 war, 1,100 miners from St Hilda’s colliery fought in that war.

“Of these, 117 were either killed or reported missing in action. On top of this, I think there were five Military Medals awarded to these men. The brass memorial is well worth looking at, and it might be of some interest to maybe relatives of the men mentioned.”

Alex Close emailed to say: “Firstly I would like to say thank you for your articles on the Somme. As a major history nerd it is always nice to see when our history is put into the forefront of people’s minds.

“My great great grandfather, James Morgan, died on the first day of the Somme. I’m trying to get some more information on him for my nanna, as her father was only 10 when he died, and his mother never really talked much about it, so her knowledge of her grandfather is very limited.

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“His name is on the war memorial, in front of St Hilda’s. I don’t know if you have any info on James, but if you do I would love to read it.”

Once more, I would appeal to any readers who can help Alex, to get in touch.
