Shields thief jailed for breaching court orders

Asda  in  South ShieldsAsda  in  South Shields
Asda in South Shields
A drug user has been jailed after he stole from a South Tyneside shop and breached court orders.

Lee Graham, 27, pleaded with magistrates in South Tyneside not to send him to prison after he stole razors from a shop.

The court heard the shoplifting put Graham, of Chirton Avenue, Marsden, South Shields, in breach of several court orders.

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Graham was heard saying “Please, no,” several times as he was led to the cells after being jailed for 11 weeks.

Paul Anderson, prosecuting, had earlier told the court: “The shop thefts were straightforward.

“Graham walked out of Asda in South Shields with two packets of Gillette razors. He was seen on CCTV, and police were able to find him nearby.”

He added: “He didn’t have the razors in his possession but he did point police to tree nearby where he had hidden them.

Police also found a morphine tablet in his pocket.”

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Graham admitted theft and possession of a class A drug, both on October 20.

Mr Anderson added: “He has a lengthy record. The current offences put him in breach of two conditional discharges.

“More seriously, he is in breach of a suspended sentence imposed earlier this year for an unrelated matter.

“That court will have told him he is liable to serve that sentence if convicted of another offence.”

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Joanne Gaetens, defending, told the court Graham was trying to deal with his heroin addiction.

She said: “He has complied well with his current drug treatment order. He has kept all appointments made for him, and remains determined to rid himself of his addiction. Inevitably that is a long-term process.

“This offending was a bump along the road, which was bound to happen at some time.”

He was also ordered to pay costs of £115, which will be added to his existing fines account of £3,464.