Readers slam South Shields Labour Party as inquiry finds problems persist

Labour Party HQ, Ede House Westoe RoadLabour Party HQ, Ede House Westoe Road
Labour Party HQ, Ede House Westoe Road
Suspended Labour Party bosses in South Tyneside have come under fire.

South Shields Constituency Labour Party (CLP) has been in limbo and under investigation since March, after allegations of a bullying culture within the group were made.

This week, it was confirmed that its suspension from operating under the party banner had been extended until July after an inquiry by the Labour Party found there had been a deep separation within the local party, which had contributed to a culture of bullying.

A report says this was still a problem.

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Labour North says it does not intend to give a “running commentary” on the issue, and South Shields MP Emma Lewell-Buck was unavailable for comment on the matter.

Gazette readers, however, have been less reticent and - for a town with such a strong Labour tradition - less than supportive.

Matthew Hunt, used our Facebook page to say: “Can we have some local elections to replace them?”

Lynn Arthur added: “Sack the lot. They need voting out. Been complacent for far too many years.

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Margaret Jobes asked: “If these people are suspended and being investigated for bullying, surely they should no longer be allowed to hold public office.

“How do we, the people, go about having them removed?”

David Twigg added: “Stop voting for them. Labour have supervised the death of South Shields for decades and they still get voted in.”

James Sanderson said: “I’ve voted Labour all my life but never again. They are supposed to work to help working class. They are a waste of time now.”

Hayley Dolan added: “They don’t stand for the people anyway. Too tied up with party politics.

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“They don’t consider the views of their consituents, just relay what they’ve been told to say by the party.”

A Labour Party letter seen by the Gazette says the review of the local party had received 47 written submissions, while 18 members had been invited to an interview.

It went on to say the regional officer had “done their best” to implement a list of actions agreed by the National Executive Committee.

Despite this, it says, the circumstances which led to the CLP’s suspension “have not significantly improved.”

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A Labour North spokesperson said: “South Shields Constituency Labour Party remains under an administrative suspension.

“We will not be providing a running commentary during this period of suspension.”