Pupils praised as South Shields school is rated as '˜outstanding'

St Wilfrid's RC College executive headteacher Brendan Tapping.St Wilfrid's RC College executive headteacher Brendan Tapping.
St Wilfrid's RC College executive headteacher Brendan Tapping.
A South Tyneside school has been hailed as '˜outstanding' by education watchdogs who praised the behaviour of its pupils as '˜excellent'.

The glowing report was issued to St Wilfrid’s RC College in Temple Park Road, South Shields, following a visit by Ofsted inspectors, last month.

They remarked on pupil’s behaviour as being ‘excellent’ and how ‘no stone is left unturned’ in the determination of leaders and governors that all students achieve their potential.

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The report noted morale of staff ‘is high’ and rates of attendance and persistent absence is better than the national average.

Praising his staff and pupils, executive head teacher Brendan Tapping said: “This report contains numerous positive comments which fully exemplify the culture and ethos of St. Wilfrid’s RC College.

“It is testament to the hard work, commitment and partnership of governors, staff and parents to ensure the highest quality provision is available to every child in our school.

“It was humbling to read about our students, who demonstrated pride in their school, by conducting themselves impeccably throughout the inspection, as they do every day.”

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The school was marked as outstanding in five areas monitored:

* Effectiveness of leadership and management;

* Quality of teaching, learning and assessment;

* Personal development, behaviour and welfare;

* Outcomes for pupils;

* 16 to 19 study programmes.

The inspectors’ report said: “During the inspection, the standard of pupils’ behaviour in lessons was never less than impeccable.

“Conduct around the school was equally impressive, with calm and orderly movement a matter of routine.

“Pupils respect the school environment: inspectors saw no graffiti and virtually no litter.

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“Pupils conduct themselves towards staff and visitors with good manners and courtesy.

“The strength of relationships between staff and pupils is a significant reason why the standard of learning across the school is so high.

“The quality of relationships allied with effective planning means that pupils are resilient in their learning.

“Consequently, they are confident in making mistakes and taking risks in their learning so that they can improve.”

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The report noted three areas where improvement can still be made, including in the area around attendance rates for disadvantaged pupils, and while it was reducing rapidly, the rate of fixed-term exclusion.

Inspectors also recommended staff ensure pupils’ progress in mathematics continues to improve, so that it matches the excellent progress made in other subjects.

The school caters for 11 to 19-year-olds.