Emma Lewell-Buck: People know what’s best for future of South Shields town centre

"We encourage people to use public transport.""We encourage people to use public transport."
"We encourage people to use public transport."
The redevelopment of South Shields town centre is always a major discussion point when I speak with constituents.

The Tories’ mishandling of business rates and lack of investment as well as online shopping and a change in lifestyles generally has fundamentally impacted the future design of our towns and cities.

However, there are still a great number of people that use the facilities day in, day out, whose concerns need to be listened to.

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I was contacted recently by several established local businesses from the Market Square area of our town centre who explained to me, with evidence, that their businesses had been significantly impacted by the relocation of bus routes away from the square.

Businesses told me that even in a short space of time, their profits have been affected, they have had to reduce their staffing and reconsider the terms of their leases. Simultaneously, a significant number of residents have contacted me who struggle physically to shop at the market end of King Street now that there is no bus stop at the Market Square.

We can’t just dismiss this problem as a reaction to change. We live in an ageing population and a society where we need to think about accessibility at the heart of all we do and encourage people to use public transport. It’s fantastic that we have a new Metro and bus interchange in the town, but this should not come at a detrimental cost to our loyal businesses and their customers.

After a series of constituents raising concerns with me, I, along with local councillors, held a meeting with some of the key businesses affected by the relocation of the bus stops. I was very concerned by what they told me and will be asking our council to review their planning and design to ensure that footfall and accessibility at the Market end of King Street can be restored.

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I realise that the re-designs are part of a wider plan, but we simply do not have the luxury of time to wait for things to take shape.

The people who know what’s best for our town centre’s future are those that use it the most.

I will keep on listening to you all and do my best to have those messages heard and acted upon.