Support for anti-racism campaign on Wear Red Day 2021 in South Tyneside

South Tyneside Council Councillors Tracey Dixon, Pat Hay, Joan Atkinson, Ernest Gibson and Adam Ellison with pledges for Show Racism the Red Card.South Tyneside Council Councillors Tracey Dixon, Pat Hay, Joan Atkinson, Ernest Gibson and Adam Ellison with pledges for Show Racism the Red Card.
South Tyneside Council Councillors Tracey Dixon, Pat Hay, Joan Atkinson, Ernest Gibson and Adam Ellison with pledges for Show Racism the Red Card.
Councillors from across South Tyneside have pledged to show racism the red card in support of Wear Red Day 2021.

South Tyneside Council says it is supporting the anti-racist campaign by educational charity Show Racism the Red Card, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary.

The charity uses the high-profile status of football and its players to raise awareness of hate crime and delivers anti-racism workshops to young people.

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The council will be marking Wear Red Day by lighting South Shields Town Hall red tonight, Friday, October 22, and has been supporting fundraising efforts by asking staff and elected members to wear red.

The pledge tree.The pledge tree.
The pledge tree.

Councillors from across the borough have also signed pledges to kick racism out – the tree is on display in South Shields Town Hall.

The Mayor of South Tyneside, Cllr Pat Hay said explained the importance of the day and councillors’ activities to support the campaign.

She also stressed the important role different cultures play in South Tyneside.

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She said: “There is no room for racism in our society. We are a multicultural and diverse borough with a long-established commitment to Show Racism the Card and the essential work it delivers to drive prejudice and discrimination from our communities.

“It is only by uniting together and calling out racism and hate crime in all its forms that we will eradicate prejudice forever. I’m proud that councillors are united in our fight against racism across South Tyneside and beyond.”

To find out more about Show Racism the Red Card, visit