South Shields teenager threatened dad with knife on school run - and tried to break windows of car while child was inside

Stephen HunterStephen Hunter
Stephen Hunter
A "salivating and spitting teen" who warned a dad on a school run "I will stab you" while brandishing a knife in the street has been put behind bars.

The 47-year-old victim, who had just picked his son up from classes, had applied brakes, beeped and eventually got out of his vehicle when he saw Stephen Hunter and a pal standing in the road.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how in the terrifying confrontation that followed, the 19-year-old kicked the victim, brandished a stanley knife and used the blade to try and break the windows of the car while the child was inside.

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Hunter, of Dovedale Court, South Shields, admitted threatening another with a bladed article and has been jailed for 12 months.

Miss recorder Margia Mostafa told the teen as she locked him up: "Knife crime has escalated in recent years. And those that have knives in the street, and present them, and threaten with them, go to prison."

Prosecutor Neil Pallister told the court the victim had been driving a Nissan Duke along Colchester Street in South Shields on March 9 last year, with his 14-year-old son, who he had picked up from school.

Mr Pallister said: "He described four males ran out into the road then two of the males ran back onto the pavement.

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"Two males stopped on the road, causing him to apply the brakes in the car. He tooted his horn and indicated for one male in particular, the defendant, to move off the road.

"He described the defendant started shouting and swearing at him."

Mr Pallister said the dad pulled over and got out of the car so Hunter clenched his fists and shouted "do you want some, do you want some of this".

The court heard the victim thought Hunter was on drink or drugs as he was "salivating and spitting" as he was shouting.

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Mr Pallister added: "The complainant raised his hands towards the defendant, indicating he didn't want to fight. He was saying he didn't want any bother.

"The defendant continued to approach him and kicked out with his right leg and made contact with the top of the complainant's left thigh.

"The complainant saw the defendant was holding a stanley knife in his left hand and was pushing the knife towards him, at waist height, in a jabbing motion, saying 'I will cut you, do you want some, I will stab you'."

The court heard Hunter then asked "do you want your car done?" and repeatedly brought the knife down onto the car windows, while the schoolboy was sat in the passenger seat.

Hunter eventually ran from the scene.

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In a victim statement, the dad said he feared for the safety of himself and his son that day and was left "shaken up" by the whole thing.

He added: "This could have been so much worse, it is a frightening thought. A young lad in the street with a knife, in broad daylight is a scary sight to be faced with."

Gavin Doig, defending, said Hunter has stayed out of trouble since the incident 18 months ago, has looked for work and kept away from "negative influences".

Mr Doig added: "He has never been sent to custody before."