Meet the candidates standing in the Horsley Hill ward in the South Tyneside Council elections

(l-r) Sue Stonehouse (Green Party) and Iain Malcolm (Labour Party)(l-r) Sue Stonehouse (Green Party) and Iain Malcolm (Labour Party)
(l-r) Sue Stonehouse (Green Party) and Iain Malcolm (Labour Party)
This year’s local elections are just around the corner, and we’re turning the spotlight on South Tyneside’s candidates in the run-up to polling day on May 2.

Each one will be given the opportunity to tell readers why they’re standing and why people should vote for them.

Here’s what Horsley Hill ward candidates have to say:

Mark Ashley Auton (Conservative Party)

My name is Mark Auton. I’m delighted to be standing as the Conservative Party candidate for Horsley Hill.

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South Tyneside Council needs a strong and effective opposition that can provide scrutiny to Labour’s grip of our council.

My priority will be ensuring our town centre is more business friendly.

I would start by working hard to increase the amount of free parking in our town centre.

If elected, I would be a strong voice for the ward and work hard for the residents.

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As an opposition councillor, I would also work hard to make sure council money is well spent.

(No picture provided)

Colin Peter Lemon (Independent)

I’m delighted to be standing as an Independent candidate in the local elections this May.

I’m determined to see the Labour-dominated council brought to book and so if elected, I pledge to fight your corner and make Horsley Hill a better place to live.

Vote for common sense, vote for Colin Lemon.

(No picture provided)

Iain Malcolm (Labour Party)

I’m honoured to have served as councillor for Horsley Hill and Westoe Crown and again ask for your support in this year’s local election on May 2.

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Together, we have achieved so much: new schools; revamped Horsley Hill Square; re-location of the police station; quality houses on Westoe Crown and Garth Crescent; improvements in social housing; demolition of unsightly flats in Cheviot Road, Lea View and Norham Avenue South – to name just a few.

If re-elected to the ward that I’m proud to represent, I will continue to work with local residents on the issues that matter to them.

David James Stephen Scholey (UKIP)

(No statement or picture provided)

Sue Stonehouse (Green Party)

I was born in South Shields and lived here all of my life.

My career has mainly been customer focused, working with fantastic people of all faiths and genders.

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Residents say they’re angry at being ignored by their councillor.

South Shields people inherited the work ethic from our shipbuilding and coal-mining ancestors.

They are demoralised by only being offered zero contracts, making them resort to ùsing food banks.

Our town has few businesses and no thriving economy.

Let us return the sense of pride to our town by stopping the fly-tippers.

Time to change.