Driving instructors, mobile hairdressers and beauticians among small businesses in South Tyneside set to benefit from extra covid cash

Help is available for some of South Tyneside's smallest businesses.Help is available for some of South Tyneside's smallest businesses.
Help is available for some of South Tyneside's smallest businesses.
Driving instructors, mobile hairdressers and beauticians are set to benefit as small businesses in South Tyneside are offered new covid grants.

South Tyneside Council has set up a Small Business Hardship Grant Fund to help those small businesses which aren’t eligible for funding from Central Government’s Covid-19 financial support schemes to date.

Funded by the council’s Additional Restrictions Grant allocation from central Government, this is now being extended for businesses which provide in person face-to-face services which have had to close and were not eligible for the main Small Business Hardship Grant.

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This includes driving instructors, mobile hairdressers and beauticians.

Council chiefs said those applying must be able to demonstrate hardship as a result of a significant impact on their business due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

John Scott, head of economic growth at the council, said: “There is a limited amount of funding available so not all businesses applying will receive a grant.

"However, I would encourage people to check the eligibility criteria carefully and apply if they think they meet them.”

Businesses who can show ongoing business-related fixed costs (excluding wage costs) amounting to a minimum of £100.00 per month will receive a grant of £1,000.

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Those who can demonstrate ongoing business-related fixed costs (excluding wage costs) amounting to a minimum of £200.00 per month will receive a grant of £2,000.

Who is eligible?

:: Sole traders, limited companies and limited liability partnerships demonstratintg a significant drop of income due to coronavirus restrictions

:: They must be based in South Tyneside and employ fewer than ten people

:: The business must provide in-person face-to-face services and have been mandated to close by local or national restrictions.

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:: Businesses currently trading (or would be if restrictions were not in place) that were trading before March 2020

:: They should be able to demonstrate ongoing business-related fixed costs (excluding wages) amounting to a minimum of £100 per month

:: They must have a business bank account or be able to demonstrate business transactions from a personal bank account;

:: They must show they have been unable to access other grant schemes

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These include including Local Restrictions Support; Additional Restrictions; Retail, Hospitality and Leisure; Local Authority Discretionary (Small Business Recovery Fund); Christmas Support Payment, Closed Business Support Payment and Small Business Hardship (main).

:: On-line applications are now open at www.southtyneside.gov.uk/business For more information call the Business Support Hub on (0191) 481 3456 or email [email protected]

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