Concern as reports of homophobia almost double in South Tyneside

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinnessNorthumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness
Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness
Reports of homophobia almost doubled in South Tyneside this year – the biggest single rise in any hate crime across all areas covered by Northumbria Police.

In the 12 months up to September 2020 there were 37 incidents of abuse related to sexuality, up from 20 in 2019 – a rise of 85%.

But at the same time the borough actually saw a slight fall in its total number of recorded hate offences in all categories, including race, faith and disability, a feat none of the other five areas covered by the force could match.

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Across the region and the rest of the country a rise in reports of hate crimes has been linked to the COVID-19 outbreak, with the increase coinciding with the rollout of restrictions intended to halt the virus’s spread.

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Kim McGuinness said: “Hate crime continues to be something we focus on and it is a concerning rise.

“We know hate crime increased along with COVID, but it is something the force continues to work with our communities on and to try and build relationships to make sure people are reporting it – which they seem to be.

“These are crimes which 100% should never be happening.”

The PCC was speaking at a meeting of the Northumbria Police and Crime Panel, which was held by videolink and broadcast via YouTube as part of social-distancing measures.

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According to a report for the committee, 3,086 hate offences were reported to the force in the 12 months up to September 2020, almost a tenth more than over the same period last year.

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