Police appeal for help to beat illegal bikers in South Tyneside

Illegal bikes can be confiscated by policeIllegal bikes can be confiscated by police
Illegal bikes can be confiscated by police
Police are calling on people to help crack down on illegal and off-road bike riders.

The call for information on where bikes are being kept was made as officers told of their continuing efforts to target riders who are making people’s lives a misery.

The issue was raised during a recent meeting of the West Shields and Cleadon Community Area Forum.

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Off road biking is illegal in South TyneisdeOff road biking is illegal in South Tyneisde
Off road biking is illegal in South Tyneisde

Pc Neil Watkin, from the West Shields Neighbourhood Policing team, said: “There is an ongoing problem with motorbike disorder in Temple Park but also going into Whiteleas and Biddick Hall.

“We are actively seeking out where they are being kept and appeal to anyone with information on where they are being stored to get in touch so we can take action.”

He added it was an issued he had spent time looking into, and that it was a problem across being looked at by police forces countrywide in how to tackle it.”

Riding an off-road bike in a public place is illegal and they can not be used on private land without the landowners permission.

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Off road biking is illegal in South TyneisdeOff road biking is illegal in South Tyneisde
Off road biking is illegal in South Tyneisde

They can be seized by officers under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002.

However, owners are also able to buy back their bike after paying a fine.

Pc Watkin added: “Unfortunately, if a motorbike has been seized under section 59, they can get the bikes back again. They can pay to get them out of the compound.

“We do look at other avenues, but sometimes we have to use Section 59 powers to seize them.

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“Quite often these people don’t pay for it to be released as it can be more expensive than the bike.”

The issues of illegal and off-road bikes is one felt across South Tyneside.

Over the years, a number of bikes have been seized by police acting on tip-offs from the public.

Sgt Julie Beattie, said: “It’s not just illegal motorbikes. There is also the off-road bikes. These people are wearing full helmets and full gear which can make it hard to identify them.

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“The reporting of bikes is steady, but it’s also the damage that’s being caused to the fields.”

Sgt Beattie also called on people to give information.

She said: “We will always follow information up. If you know what house it’s coming out of, the times, we can send officers to monitor it.

“If people don’t want to give their details, they can do it anonymously.”

People can call police on 101 or contact their neighbourhood policing team via the police website www.northumbria.police.uk

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