Playing accordion with Hawaiian band

The Swingettes.The Swingettes.
The Swingettes.
Time to catch up with a few of your letters and emails relating to recent articles and pictures.

Eileen Winn wrote to me to say: “I have been asked to send this photo to you by my sister.

“This is a photo of my father, Sid Parkinson, on the accordion in the Hawaiian band (which was mentioned in relation to band leader Charlie Crookston).

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“I think the band played in the 40s but not sure. Hope this information is helpful.” It certainly is.

Another reader responded to the photo spread featuring photos from the Durham Miners’ Gala, saying: “My name is Jim Hepplewhite. I was looking at your photos in the local Gazette about the miners’ gala.

“One of the blokes in front of the banner was my dad. He is playing with something in his hands.

“He was the chairman of Westoe NUM. On another photo was my uncle Jimmy Inskip, who was secretary of the Northeast area NUM. He is the big bloke looking up to the camera. Then there is the very young looking John Chapman. That’s him with the mac and tie on. He and some of the lads are still looking after the Westoe banner. He has been marching with the banner for more than 55 years, I know of.

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“Not to miss out the country’s best colliery brass band, always in the background behind the lodge’s banner. I hope this was of some use to you.”

Meanwhile, Gordon Robinson contacted me all the way from Canada. He wrote: “On the corner, at 62 Broderick Street and 45 Eleanor Street, my Mam and Dad, Edith and Jack Robinson, managed the fish shop. Fish was 7d and chips were 4d.

“King Street Charlie used to drop his extra papers off for fish and chips. The lamp post you see in the picture was where I broke my nose going down in the snow on a pair of step ladders.

“We had quite a few relatives lived on Broderick Street, the Inskips and the Sayers. Jimmy Inskip was the rep for Harton and Westoe pit.”