Woman arrested on child neglect offence after attempting to land in Jersey in a dinghy

The dinghy the group landed in Jersey, along with the media release published by the States of Jersey PoliceThe dinghy the group landed in Jersey, along with the media release published by the States of Jersey Police
The dinghy the group landed in Jersey, along with the media release published by the States of Jersey Police
Three people have been arrested after a suspicious boat was seen trying to land on a beach at Jersey.

At 08.02am on Tuesday, 02 July States of Jersey Police (SoJP) were alerted to a suspicious boat landing immediately south of St Catherine. Initial enquiries by SoJP and Jersey Customs and Immigration Service resulted in two women and a man being arrested.

A 33-year-old woman has been charged with child neglect and immigration offences, a 67-year-old man and a 67-year-old woman have been charged with aiding and abetting and immigration offences.

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They appeared in the Jersey Magistrate’s Court on Thursday afternoon (4 July) where they all entered guilty pleas for the charges. The 67-year-old man and woman have been released on bail and will appear in the Magistrate’s Court on 8 August 2019 for sentencing

SoJP continue to work with the Law Officers’ Department and international partners on this case, noting that the 33-year-old woman has also been arrested on a warrant issued under the Extradition (Jersey) Law 2004 by the Jersey Magistrate’s Court. Extradition proceedings are ongoing, for which she has been remanded in custody for four weeks. She is due to return to the Magistrate’s Court for an extradition hearing on 1 August 2019.

Two children, a girl aged 4 and boy aged 3, were also on board and are currently being cared for by Children’s Services on Island.