St Oswald’s Hospice staff make dream come true for best friends with life-shortening conditions from South Shields

Keira (left) and Hannah enjoy their sleepover at St Oswald's HospiceKeira (left) and Hannah enjoy their sleepover at St Oswald's Hospice
Keira (left) and Hannah enjoy their sleepover at St Oswald's Hospice
Two young girls with life-shortening conditions saw their dreams come true when hospice staff arranged a special sleepover.

Keira Moore, aged nine, and Hannah Jones, seven, from South Shields, are both cared for by the Children and Young Adults Service at St Oswald’s Hospice, which helps to manage their complex conditions.

Keira, who has been visiting St Oswald’s since she was just 18 months old, has a complex heart condition, while Hannah suffers from short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy soon after she was born.

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The girls, who attend Bamburgh School together, have been close friends for around two years, but due to their conditions have been unable to enjoy a sleepover like other children their age.

Keira at St Oswald's Hospice in 2017Keira at St Oswald's Hospice in 2017
Keira at St Oswald's Hospice in 2017

Now the St Oswald’s team has made their dream come true on a special trip to mark International Friendship Day.

“All she asks for all the time is a sleepover, but with her condition it’s something that just doesn’t happen,” said Hannah’s mum, Katy Jones who lives in Brockley Whins.

“It was just amazing that it happened. There’s no words for it, because it’s something that I can’t give her.”

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She continued: “After five brain surgeries, she’s had to learn who she is again and she was apprehensive at first, but all of sudden Keira came over in her wheelchair and she was off.”

Best friends Hannah (left) and  Keira enjoy a sleepover at St Oswald's HospiceBest friends Hannah (left) and  Keira enjoy a sleepover at St Oswald's Hospice
Best friends Hannah (left) and Keira enjoy a sleepover at St Oswald's Hospice

Keira’s mum, Terri added: “Keira was over the moon that she was allowed to have a sleepover with Hannah. She thoroughly enjoyed it and hasn’t stopped talking about it. She has been telling everyone she's seen since getting home all about her and Hannah's special sleepover.”

Karen Taylor, Staff Nurse at St Oswald’s Hospice, said: “At the sleepover the girls could just be girls their age, playing on iPads and talking about how late they could stay up. It’s also one of the only times the girls can be together without adults supervising which I know the girls loved.

“At the Hospice we are always thinking of ways to help the children and young adults we care for to create lasting memories and we wanted to make their stay this month unforgettable.”