Zero-hour contracts should be scrapped by the Government, say Gazette readers

Majority of Gazette readers think the Government should scrap zero-hour contracts. Picture: Pixabay.Majority of Gazette readers think the Government should scrap zero-hour contracts. Picture: Pixabay.
Majority of Gazette readers think the Government should scrap zero-hour contracts. Picture: Pixabay.
Majority of Gazette readers say zero-hour contracts should be scrapped as families are unable to support themselves.

What is a zero-hours contract?

A zero-hours contract is a type of contract between an employer and employee, where the employer is not obliged to provide any minimum working hours and the employee is not obliged to accept any work offered.

We asked in our recent online poll: “Do you think zero-hours contracts should be scrapped by employers?”

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More than 1,000 Gazette readers responded and 86% said yes, zero-hours contracts should be scrapped while 14% said no.

Steven Lorrison said: “Some people are relying on zero hour contracts as they need an income but can only work certain times due to many different other commitments.“They are ideal for some people.”

Karl William Bullock said: “In theory zero hour contracts are meant to allow flexibility for both the employer and employee so both parties have a work life balance that suits them.“In reality zero hour contracts are used as a weapon against people that shouldn’t actually be on them and as a way to skirt around employment laws.”

Gary Gibson said: “Overhaul more than scrapped.“It’s now just a tool to suit the exploitation of workers.

“In theory it was supposed to be a joint tool for employees and employer to get the best output.”

Peter Watt said: “I voted yes, because I do feel they have a place, they just don't suit everyone.”

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