EMMA LEWELL-BUCK: I will push for a support package for communities like ours

Foodbanks have been put under pressure. Picture by FRANK REIDFoodbanks have been put under pressure. Picture by FRANK REID
Foodbanks have been put under pressure. Picture by FRANK REID
On Monday the Government will be reviewing the advice given regarding staying home. It is likely they will announce an extension to these arrangements, but for how long we simply don’t know.

People, understandably, are worried and anxious. Clear communication and a clear plan of action from the Government will help ease these worries and it is essential that they present an exit strategy.

This exit strategy should be published to reassure the public and it must include timelines and plans for economic recovery post-crisis.

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Here in South Shields, we have been hit hard. Our local economy is reliant on small, independent businesses who thrive over the Easter weekend and throughout the summer holidays. The income many of these businesses make in these weeks sustains them over the winter months. Many have been thankful for the support packages put in place by the Government, but they are deeply concerned that once the crisis is over and the current support packages cease, how they will survive. I have assured them I will do all I can to push for a

support package for communities like ours.

As well as pushing for this support, I will be pressing the Government to think of how this crisis has reformed how our economy functions and the value it places on key and essential workers - the people who have always kept our country functioning but who have been absolutely essential throughout this crisis. These workers such as our cleaners, shop workers and bin men for too long have not received the pay relevant to their worth and they along with many others right now are risking their own health and wellbeing every single day to

protect and keep us safe.

As are those who are working in our care and NHS services

who still don’t have the correct protective equipment. Daily we

are hearing stories of workers on the frontline without protection, reusing equipment beyond its efficacy or relying on homemade protective equipment. Blockages in sourcing and delivery need to be addressed urgently and never again should there be a drive for privatisation and relentless cuts to our NHS.

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There also needs to be a rethink of how our cruel and uncompromising welfare state operates. Many who are claiming benefits for the first time throughout this crisis have been shocked at how complex, stressful, bureaucratic and meagre the payments are to those who, through no fault of their own, have needed access to state support. Many people at the sharp end of this crisis are seeing the daily struggles that many of their friends and neighbours have had throughout austerity.

Never again can we have a welfare safety net stripped of humanity that leaves people feeling worthless and relying on the kindness of foodbanks and charities for support.

My heart goes out to everyone who has lost loved ones and to those who are unwell. Thanks again to everyone in Shields who has pulled together. Be proud of what amazing people you are.