New South Shields paving scheme NOT a deterrent to homeless says council

New paving at Horsley Hill sqaureNew paving at Horsley Hill sqaure
New paving at Horsley Hill sqaure
Council chiefs have defended a new paving scheme in South Shields '“ insisting it is to tackle troublemakers and not to target people sleeping rough.

South Shields MP Emma-Lewell Buck is to quiz council chiefs about the use of the modern type of cobble slab at Horsley Hill. It comes after people contacted her via social media speculating as to what its purpose is.

She plans to write to South Tyneside Council to find out why paving with dome-shaped rises – and laid fast against some outside walls – was chosen.

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The Labour MP is concerned it represents what she believes may be an attempt to crack down on people living rough.

But the council says it is purely aimed at preventing groups congregating in the area which has led to reports of anti-social behaviour and has been done in consultation with police.

Mrs Lewell-Buck said: “It could be that it is for anti-social behaviour reasons, and in which case I back any means that supports residents.

“But I’m at a loss as to see how this paving can stop anti-social behaviour. I’m not sure that this is the right thing to do.

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“I’ve been up there to have a look, and you could wear trainers on this paving and it wouldn’t be a problem, it would not hurt your feet.”

She added: “I’m worried that someone at the council has taken this decision for the reason of stopping the homeless, but maybe the council knows something that I don’t.

“My constituents are telling me they are concerned there’s an ulterior motive, and they have approached me that this is along the same lines as Public Spaces Protection Orders.

“Nobody seems to know for sure, but based on what I’ve been told previously about the PSPOs and by people living at Horsley Hill, they can’t see how this paving can be to deter anti-social behaviour.”

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A South Tyneside Council spokesperson said: “We would like to reassure people that the new raised paving is not there to deter homeless people from rough sleeping in the area.

“It is designed to prevent groups from congregating in the area, with anti-social behaviour being an issue that the police have specifically asked us to help them address following concerns from the local community.

“We are also looking to improve the lighting in this particularly dark corner to aid visibility.

“The council is committed to doing everything it can to support those who are homeless including helping to get rough sleepers off the streets and into a home of their own.”