Mixed response to prospect of busy South Shields road getting 20mph speed limit

There have been calls for more safety measures to be introduced on Marsden Road.There have been calls for more safety measures to be introduced on Marsden Road.
There have been calls for more safety measures to be introduced on Marsden Road.
The prospect of a 20mph speed limit being introduced on a busy South Tyneside road has drawn a mixed response.

There have been calls to make Marsden Road, in South Shields, safer since 88-year-old Martha Johnson was knocked over and died there in August.

Since then, residents in the area have called for road safety measures to be introduced – including a permanent pedestrian crossing – with speeding and parking issues highlighted as concerns.

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Feedback from people in the area has led to a number of options being put forward, including reducing the speed limit to 20mph on Marsden Road and the estate to the north.

An update on what is being proposed is to be heard at an East Shields and Whitburn Community Area Forum meeting tomorrow.

Readers commenting on the Gazette’s Facebook page had differing views on how the road can be made safer.

Jonny Young posted: “Speed cameras only work for a 20m stretch.

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“Priority and give way traffic calming also don’t work as people race each other to beat each other through.

“The only thing I’ve seen work are speed bumps like the ones recently installed on Wenlock Road in Simonside.”

Alice Thorburn added: “Speed cameras would work better than those speed awareness signs, as people pay no attention to them.”

Karen Mitchell Richardson said: “Need a few speed cameras. I live on this road and it’s ridiculous the speeds people drive at.

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“The crossing is definitely a good addition for the elderly.”

Mark Pinckney wrote: “There is a problem with idiots driving far too fast on this road! Ideas to improve safety have to be welcomed!”

Betty Biceps posted: “Put speed cameras there not reduce it to 20. It won’t make a difference reducing the speed limit.”

Linda Wood added: “Just put a pelican crossing there. Nothing else will work.”

Susan Davison said: “The estate I live on has a 20mph speed limit andd you still get the idiots ignoring it.”