Meet the candidates for Biddick and All Saints standing in the South Tyneside Council elections

Olive Punchion and David Herbert.Olive Punchion and David Herbert.
Olive Punchion and David Herbert.
Here the candidates for Biddick and All Saints explain why you should vote for them on May 3:

Olive Punchion (Labour)

I’m delighted to have been asked to be the Labour Party candidate in the Biddick and All Saints Ward.

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Have you decided who to vote for?

I have represented Biddick and All Saints since 2006 and since that time, we have worked with local people to make Biddick & All Saints a better place to live in.

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I have always endeavoured to help local residents, community groups and schools.

Despite severe spending cuts imposed by the Tory Government, South Tyneside needs to maintain a strong Labour Council pledged to protect and improve your public services.

That is why is I’m asking for your support on May 3rd

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Have you decided who to vote for?


David Herbert (Green Party)

Wherever you elect a Green, we shake up the status quo.

Vote Green in May for councillors who challenge the consensus and hold councils to account.

Let’s face it a Labour-dominated council has had their chance and blown it.

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Where Greens are elected they bring new ideas to improve the lives of the people in their communities.

Yes, all councils have had their budgets cut, but just whinging about it will not help.

We need councillors that innovate and adapt to help the people of South Tyneside

Oliver Wallhead (Conservative) No statement or picture provided

Chris Binding , Local Democracy Reporting Service