Man threw fish tank ornament at former partner

Newcastle Crown Court.Newcastle Crown Court.
Newcastle Crown Court.
A boyfriend who attacked his former partner with a fish tank ornament during a Bonfire Day row has been spared jail.

Steven Edgar picked up a large piece of heavy bogwood and threw it at his victim, which caused a cut to the back of her head.

The wooden weapon also hit a wall and damaged the plaster work.

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Newcastle Crown Court heard the 28-year-old "repeatedly apologised" when he realised he had caused injury.

But a few days later Edgar shouted abuse at the victim in the street during an early-morning confrontation.

Prosecutor Jane Foley told the court Edgar had been at the woman's home on November 5 last year when a row broke out.

Miss Foley said: "During the course of an argument the defendant threw a large, heavy piece of bogwood and threw it at her, which struck her to the back of the head and caused a small wound.

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"The piece of wood, which is large and heavy, also struck the wall, which removed plaster from the wall."

Miss Foley had the piece of wood in court, which was shown to the judge.

She added: "The item is used in fish tanks.

"It had been taken out of the fish tank and was drying and had been picked up and used."

In a victim statement the woman said: "I don't want him anywhere near me or my family.

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"I don't want him to contact me or my family in any way whatsoever."

Edgar, of Williamson Street, Hebburn, who has previous offences on his record and has a conviction for harassing a different ex-partner, admitted assault, criminal damage and a public order offence.

Mr Recorder David Wilby sentenced Edgar to eight months' imprisonment, suspended for two years, with supervision, programme requirements and a restraining order.

The judge said he accepted Edgar was "genuinely remorseful" for what he did and added: "This happened in a situation which, as in the past, you have had difficulties containing your emotions and they have spilled over into violent or disruptive conduct."

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Fiona Lamb, defending, said Edgar was "in a bad place" at the time of the attack but has since taken steps to help and improve himself.

Miss Lamb added; "He immediately regretted his actions."

The court heard Edgar is currently unfit for work but plans to enroll as a full-time carer for his father, who is in poor health.

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