Man spat at community warden who was called to noisy house party

Neighbours called the council about a noisy house party in Reynolds Avenue, South Shields. Pic: Google Maps.Neighbours called the council about a noisy house party in Reynolds Avenue, South Shields. Pic: Google Maps.
Neighbours called the council about a noisy house party in Reynolds Avenue, South Shields. Pic: Google Maps.
A man spat at a council warden who had been called to a noisy house party,

Connor Walker, 21, of Arnold Street, Boldon Colliery, was a guest at the party in Reynolds Avenue, South Shields, when it got out of hand, South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court heard.

Lesley Burgess, prosecuting, said neighbours called the council due to noise and general unruly behaviour, and community warden Anthony Thompson went to the property to investigate.

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Ms Burgess said: “Walker answered the door and was generally abusive, and appeared to be drunk.

“During the conversation, he spat at Mr Thompson. Police were called and Walker was arrested.”

Walker admitted common assault on September 22.

Joanne Gaetens, defending, said: “Mr Walker had been drinking heavily that night, that is not an excuse and he knows that.

“What happened has been a jolt to him, since his arrest he has all but given up drinking and rarely goes out.”

The magistrates ordered Walker to pay £195 in fines and costs.

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