Jail for South Shields under-age sex man

South Marine Park where Robson met his victimSouth Marine Park where Robson met his victim
South Marine Park where Robson met his victim
A man who had sex with an underage schoolgirl more than a decade ago has been given a three year jail term.

Stephen Robson convinced the 15-year-old that “other lads were just after her for sex” and then started a physical relationship with her.

Newcastle Crown Court heard Robson, who was then in his early 20s, met the girl, who was from South Shields, at the town’s Marine Park.

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In an impact statement the victim said she was “sold a fairytale” by Robson, but left with depression and anxiety.

Robson, now 34, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to two charges of having sexual activity with a child.

He admitted in interview that he had had sex with the girl but when asked what age she was at the time he claimed he “was not very good with numbers”.

The court heard he is currently serving a prison term of more than three years for burglary, which was imposed last year.

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Mr Recorder Euan Duff today sentenced him to three years behind bars, which will commence after his current prison term is completed.

Robson, who has a bad criminal record but has no other convictions for sexual offences, must sign the sex offenders register for life.

The judge told him: “This girl was entitled to grow up and have a relationship with boys her own age, gradually growing in to a sexual relationship with someone in an appropriate manner.”

Gavin Doig, defending, said Robson was immature at the time and is not a “predatory paedophile”.

Mr Doig added: “There is no evidence whatsoever of any interest since then of this defendant and underage girls.

“He is a bad offender but not for this sort of thing.”

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