Hunt for killer who murdered South Tyneside doorman continues 20 years on

Kevin NightingaleKevin Nightingale
Kevin Nightingale
The widow of murdered doorman Kevin Nightingale has told how she has spent marking the 20th anniversary of his death confined to her home.

Julie Nightingale has never recovered from that fateful night when she found the body of her beloved husband, Kevin, slumped in the doorway of their home in Drake Close, South Shields.

The doorman had just returned to his home from nearby Oz Nightclub where he worked when he was shot from behind.

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Despite repeated appeals by the police and his family, including his heartbroken mum Maud shortly before her death, his killer has never been caught.

Today, marks the 20th anniversary of the popular dad-of-two's death, but instead of going to lay flowers at a special spot or spending the day out with family, Julie has remained indoors, fearful of venturing outside.

The 51-year-old, who has recently finished another course of bereavement counselling says she very rarely ventures past her doors, instead choosing to remain in the safety of her South Shields home.

"It's so hard to explain, but I am terrified with the thoughts of walking down the street and his killer being only a few steps away from me, or be standing next to me in a queue," said Mrs Nightingale.

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"That thought feels me with dread and stops me from leaving my home. I don't think I am personally in any danger, it's just the thought I could be standing right beside them. It's just hard to explain, it's horrible."

Mr Nightingale, described by his family as “happy-go lucky”, was gunned down as he unlocked the front door of his home in the early hours of February 17.

The 33-year-old was discovered lying in a pool of blood by his wife and 11-year-old daughter Michelle.

The boxer, who worked as a doorman at the former Oz nightclub in Crossgate, South Shields, is said to have died in the arms of his wife.

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Many believe that Mr Nightingale was targeted because he was trying to prevent drugs being taken into the club.

His mum Maud died on Christmas Eve 2008. The 85-year-old spent the last 12 years of her life clinging to the hope that one day her youngest son’s killers would be caught.

On the 11th anniversary of his murder, heartbroken mum made an impassioned plea to the public to help police find the person responsible.

Sadly, that plea was never answered and she went to her grave never knowing who killed her baby boy in cold-blood.

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Mrs Nightingale, said: "I just keep going round in circles asking myself questions - Who would do this? Why have they done it? But never getting any answers.

"Even if we do find out who killed Kevin and why, the only thing it would do is stop me from asking those questions.

"It's not going to bring Kevin back and I don't think it will give me closure. I am never going to get over what has happened.

"Michelle and Kevin both still get upset, they just want answers as to why someone would kill their dad.

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"But we are getting There is just nothing but a wall of silence, someone must know, someone is keeping someone's killer secret."

Detective Superintendent George Duff said: "Unsolved murder's are never closed and if new intelligence, information or fresh lines of enquiry come to light they will of course be acted on and followed up.

"Since the original investigation into this murder, we've had enhancements in technologies, and it could be that this this along with new information from the public, could lead us to finding out who is responsible.

"We know Kevin's family need answers and need to know what happened to him on that fateful night and I would continue to urge anyone with information, no matter how small or insignificant they think it might be, to contact us as it could prove vital."

Anyone with information is asked to contact 101.