Hebburn school scoops diabetes award

From left to right: Hebburn Primary School pupils Evie Mai Davis, Maisie Lawrenson, head teacher Tony Watson, Amy Goodman and Harvey Hende.From left to right: Hebburn Primary School pupils Evie Mai Davis, Maisie Lawrenson, head teacher Tony Watson, Amy Goodman and Harvey Hende.
From left to right: Hebburn Primary School pupils Evie Mai Davis, Maisie Lawrenson, head teacher Tony Watson, Amy Goodman and Harvey Hende.
Staff and pupils at a South Tyneside school are celebrating after scooping an award which recognises the care they provide to pupils with diabetes.

Hebburn Lakes Primary School has won Diabetes UK’s Good Diabetes Care in School Award, a recognition scheme to raise the profile of schools across the UK that are providing good care and support to children and young people with Type 1 diabetes.

The school was chosen by an assessment panel, which included parents of pupils with diabetes at the school and representatives from Diabetes UK.

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It has been recognised for the support it provides to ensure children with the condition at their school are fully included in all activities and receive the care they deserve.

Hebburn Lakes Primary School was presented with the special award, which is valid for two years, at an assembly earlier this month.

Headteacher, Mr Tony Watson said: “We are very proud to receive the Diabetes UK Good Care in Schools award.

“It is within the ethos of the school that all children, regardless of any medical condition, have access to education and are included in after school activities and school trips.”

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Jackie Lawrenson, 28, whose daughter Maisie, seven, has Type 1 diabetes and is a pupil at the school said: “I work full time so it’s important to know that Maisie has the support she needs to manage her condition while at school.

“She has hardly missed any time at school because of her condition.

“Staff are trained to support her, all the staff at the school are aware that she has diabetes and they are all fantastic.”

“I can go to work and know that she will be OK.”

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