Have your say on East Boldon plans

The layout of the village as it is now.The layout of the village as it is now.
The layout of the village as it is now.
Residents in East Boldon are being urged to get behind plans to give the village a facelift.

The ward Labour Group has been working on plans to improve the village's public space and make its green areas more high visible.

Now it has written to residents, outlining the plans , and inviting them to examine the proposals for themselves.

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The proposed changes to the heart of East BoldonThe proposed changes to the heart of East Boldon
The proposed changes to the heart of East Boldon

"As people travel through our village, they see very little beyond busy road junctions, the occasional pub and housing," said Coun Margaret Meling.

"There is little ‘public space’ to celebrate just what a wonderful place the village really is. The ‘green areas’ that do exist tend to be hidden behind walls, fences and hedges.

"The idea of 'greening' the centre of the village came from one of our members, Joe Thompson, a long standing resident - a retired architect and very keen on environmental issues.

"He is concerned East Boldon has just become a through corridor, as the busy A184 takes people from Sunderland to Newcastle; it doesn't have that village feeling with an identifiable green centre.

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Coun Margaret MelingCoun Margaret Meling
Coun Margaret Meling

"His proposals involve improving the areas around the war memorial and in front of St George's church by opening them up and removing the rogue undergrowth which has sprung up and removing the clutter of hedges and bushes.

"Across the road he proposes to remove or reduce the brick wall which hides Grange Park, giving a clear view of the park from the road. These changes would create a circular effect of green, crossing and visually breaking up the drive along the A184."

Public input would help to create detailed plans that could then be used to attract funding, said Coun Meling.

"It will come as no surprise that in the current climate of austerity there is little point in looking to the council to fund improvement work," she said.

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The proposed changes to the heart of East BoldonThe proposed changes to the heart of East Boldon
The proposed changes to the heart of East Boldon

"However, there are other sources of funding which may be tapped into, Lottery funding for example. External funders always need detailed, worked up proposals with costs to support any bid."

Two public consultation sessions have already taken place and the last will be held on between 10am and noon on Saturday at East Boldon library in North Road.