Has this Sunderland firm found a cure for snoring?

Dr Aditi Desai, President of the British Society of Dental Sleep Medicine, with Ashford Orthodontics partners Craig Stevens, Graeme Winyard, Sean Thompson, and invited dentists.Dr Aditi Desai, President of the British Society of Dental Sleep Medicine, with Ashford Orthodontics partners Craig Stevens, Graeme Winyard, Sean Thompson, and invited dentists.
Dr Aditi Desai, President of the British Society of Dental Sleep Medicine, with Ashford Orthodontics partners Craig Stevens, Graeme Winyard, Sean Thompson, and invited dentists.
It's the age-old problem that has divided couples for generations and seen many a partner banished to the spare room.

But now, a Sunderland company might have brought peace to the bedroom, with the launch of a revolutionary new anti-snoring device.

Ashford Orthodontics has teamed up with global sleep health leader Resmed to manufacture a breakthrough sleeping aid.

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The Narvall CCThe Narvall CC
The Narvall CC

Described as a custom-made 3D printed intra-oral device, the Narvall CC is individually made to fit a patient’s mouth and has had global success in reducing snoring levels and tackling the problem of sleep apnoea.

Likely to be sold through dentists, it is expected to retail for less than £1,000 and last for three years.

Ashford director Sean Thompson said: “The Narvall, which we’ll be manufacturing here in Sunderland, has been found to reduce snoring in nine out of 10 cases and is very popular around the world, but relatively unknown in the UK.

“Snoring is a common symptom of sleep apnoea which can create real problems for sufferers. It is conservatively estimated there are up to 3.8million undiagnosed sleep apnoea sufferers in the UK.”

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The Narvall CCThe Narvall CC
The Narvall CC

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is caused by a blockage of the airways during sleep, often as a result of the tongue and soft tissue at the back of the throat relaxing, causing the narrowing or complete closure of air passage.To explain the benefits of the device, and the difference it can make in people’s lives, Sean arranged for Dr Aditi Desai, President of the British Society of Dental Sleep Medicine and one of the UK’s most eminent sleeping disorder experts, to address a workshop of dentists and clinicians at Ashford’s Southwick HQ.

“The feedback from the workshop was excellent and it has certainly raised general awareness of OSA and the Narval CC device,” said Sean.

“The devices are small and comfortable to wear. They keep the lower jaw forward during sleep, reducing snoring and solving most cases of mild to moderate OSA.

“We need clinicians and the NHS to look at providing these as an alternative to the masks, as they are less costly over the course of a patient’s lifetime, and people are far more likely to use them, and to continue using them as they are much more comfortable than the masks,” said Sean.

For more information, email Sean on Sean.Thompson@ashfordorthodontics.co.uk

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