Going back to Boldon Comp

Back in July 1986  pupils at Boldon Comprehensive School were preparing to stage All the King's Men, a play set in the time of the English Civil War.Back in July 1986  pupils at Boldon Comprehensive School were preparing to stage All the King's Men, a play set in the time of the English Civil War.
Back in July 1986 pupils at Boldon Comprehensive School were preparing to stage All the King's Men, a play set in the time of the English Civil War.
Pupils at Boldon Comprehensive School certainly enjoyed dressing up and treading the boards judging by some of the photographs plucked from the Gazette's archives.

Here they were all set to put on performances of All The King’s Men, set in the time of the English Civil War, and the Tyneside comedy, Thank You Very Much.

Were you one of the actors taking part in the stage shows?

Boldon Schoo football team in February 1992.  Back left to right:  Terry Lynn, Lee Johnson, Glen Walton, Oliver Doughwaite, Craig Stevenson, Michael McCloughan, Mark Harris.  Front left to right:  Mark Hutchinson, Chris Holmes, Kenneth Shipps, Owen Peterson, David Atkinson, Craig Stoker, Ian Stephenson.Boldon Schoo football team in February 1992.  Back left to right:  Terry Lynn, Lee Johnson, Glen Walton, Oliver Doughwaite, Craig Stevenson, Michael McCloughan, Mark Harris.  Front left to right:  Mark Hutchinson, Chris Holmes, Kenneth Shipps, Owen Peterson, David Atkinson, Craig Stoker, Ian Stephenson.
Boldon Schoo football team in February 1992. Back left to right: Terry Lynn, Lee Johnson, Glen Walton, Oliver Doughwaite, Craig Stevenson, Michael McCloughan, Mark Harris. Front left to right: Mark Hutchinson, Chris Holmes, Kenneth Shipps, Owen Peterson, David Atkinson, Craig Stoker, Ian Stephenson.

Also, there’s a sporting theme, with pictures of the school’s football team and three of its young golfers.

What can you tell me about the them all?

Please get in touch with your memories of Boldon Comp.