'Get on and build the thing' - your reaction to the Gazette's Letter of the Week

Campaigners handing over a petition against the Temple Park plans./Campaigners handing over a petition against the Temple Park plans./
Campaigners handing over a petition against the Temple Park plans./
Our Letter of the Week is designed to get people talking - and this week's letter certainly did its job.

Written by Jack Wiffin, the letter hailed South Shields and Westoe Club's wish to move and expand its premises to Temple Park a "disgrace".

The expansion plans would include fencing off 40 acres of land from public use to make way for rugby and cricket pitches. as well as new facilities for squash and tennis. A state-of-the-art sports complex would also be built.

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Thousands of signatures have been added to a petition objecting to the plans - but the response has been mixed amongst our readers on social media.

Here is the latest reaction to the letter - which you can read in full here.

Melanie Barnes: "Why is it such a problem? We need houses, we need children's facilities , the land at Temple Park doesn't get used by the mass public, only dog walkers as far as I know, so it really is a no brainier? Surely? Unless I'm missing something here? Nimby."

Darren Gray: "The letter i don’t agree with. This is a fantastic development for South Shields.

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"When I was a kid we’d try to have a game of football and it was just covered in dog poo. A lot of it was just marshland.

People would just use it to pass through getting from one point to another. Build it. It’s a great idea."

Denise Jopling Faill: "This is an absolute disgrace that land was gifted to the people of South Shields for their brave efforts in the war.

"t's a mark of disrespect to let anyone take it away, they have no right. Those areas are used everyday by walkers, runners - children play there.

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"Adults and children play football matches - that's only a few uses."

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Read more: Hundreds join fight to save Temple Memorial Park in South Shields

Ian Ritchie: "I don't agree with the letter. This development will be brilliant for the town and will bring in a lot of interest."

Jordan Riddle: "Well someone hasn't looked into this at all, Wood Terrace is not suitable any more which is why the move is required but I do like the idea of being elite."

David Ord: "If people could actually give a reasoned judgement and facts as to why the land should not be developed then maybe someone might listen.

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"However there are no reasoned arguments other than to leave it as an open tip for dogs to poo on, motorcycles to destroy the football pitches or someone to look out of their window at a pit heap."

Katie Pinnock: "I think it's a fantastic idea! What harm can be done? It can only improve things, activities for children and families, create jobs maybe?

"Inject some life into the area. I really, really hope it happens."

Rob Mackins: "Are we still talking about this. Each side of the argument will argue their point. I don’t see anyone changing their point of view so how about we just get it over with and build it!"

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Steve Pattison: "I just can't understand why people want to build on this land. The original plaque and documents say it all.

"Can't go against something that has stood for decades. Some people do worry me as they are trying for things. All it's doing is upsetting council.

I don't meant the campaigners. Keep fighting. It'll work out.."

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David Hobson: "I wonder how many of these people who are against the building of the sports club have used the facilities at Temple Park Leisure Centre."

Paul Dennington: "It's public land, keep off it! Fencing off that amount of land is not in the community's interest just a select few.

"If the club wants to expand purchase your own land with the profits from the sale of Wood Terrace."